How to Respond to a FINRA Arbitration Complaint?

Facing a FINRA (Financial Industry Regulatory Authority) arbitration complaint can be a daunting experience for individuals and businesses involved in the financial world. In July 2023, a total of 1,914 new cases of arbitration were filed, with 1,093 (57%) categorized as customer complaints and 821 (43%) as intra-industry disputes.

When confronted with such a complaint, it is crucial to know how to respond effectively. In this article, we will provide valuable insights on how to respond to a FINRA arbitration complaint, guiding you through the process and highlighting key considerations.

Understanding the FINRA arbitration process

Before delving into how to respond to a FINRA complaint, it’s important to have a basic understanding of the FINRA arbitration process.

FINRA serves as a regulatory body overseeing disputes within the financial industry, and arbitration is the primary method for resolving these disputes.

Arbitration is a formal, binding procedure where an impartial panel reviews the evidence and renders a decision.

Responding to a FINRA arbitration complaint

Now that you understand what a FINRA arbitration complaint is, here are the steps you should take to respond to it:

1.   Seek legal representation

One of the first steps to take when responding to a FINRA arbitration complaint is to secure legal representation. Legal teams who tackle FINRA arbitration, like those at My RIA Lawyer in Atlanta, can provide invaluable guidance throughout the process. Their expertise can make a significant difference in your case’s outcome.

2.   Review the complaint

Next, sit with your lawyer and carefully examine the complaint filed against you. Understand the allegations and the relief sought by the claimant.

In addition, gathering all relevant documents and information that can help you defend your case is crucial at this stage. Your RIA Lawyer will help you during this step.

3.   Respond timely

Timing is critical in responding to a FINRA arbitration complaint. You typically have a limited window to submit your response. Failing to meet this deadline can have serious consequences for your case, so ensure that your response is well-prepared and submitted promptly.

4.   Craft a detailed answer

Your response should include a detailed answer to each allegation in the complaint. Be thorough in your explanations and provide any evidence or documentation that supports your position. Address each point methodically to present a strong defense.

5.   Consider counterclaims and defenses

Consider whether you have any counterclaims against the claimant. If you believe that the claimant has violated any FINRA rules or regulations, it may be appropriate to file counterclaims.

6.   Select arbitrators

Parties involved in FINRA arbitration have the opportunity to select arbitrators who will preside over the case. The panel’s composition can significantly impact the outcome. So, carefully consider the qualifications and experience of potential arbitrators when making your selections.

7.   Attend pre-hearing conferences

The next step is to participate in pre-hearing conferences as required by FINRA. These conferences help streamline the arbitration process and provide an opportunity to resolve issues or reach settlements before the hearing.

8.   Prepare for the hearing

If your case proceeds to a hearing, thorough preparation is essential. Your legal counsel will guide you through this process, ensuring that you are ready to present your case effectively. The hearing is your opportunity to present evidence and arguments.

9.   Explore settlement options

Throughout the arbitration process, consider settlement discussions. Settling can be a cost-effective and less time-consuming alternative to a full arbitration hearing. However, the decision to settle should be made strategically and with a full understanding of the potential outcomes.

10.       Comply with awards

Once the arbitration panel issues a decision, it is legally binding. You’ll have to comply with the award, whether it is in your favor or not. Failure to do so can result in further legal action against you.

Following up with a FINRA expungement

FINRA expungement is a process by which you can request to remove or modify certain information from your CRD (Central Registration Depository) record. The CRD system is a licensing and registration system that contains information about members and associated persons of FINRA-regulated firms.

There are various reasons you might seek an expungement, including:

  • Inaccurate records: Sometimes, the CRD system might contain inaccurate or misleading information about your firm.
  • Dismissed claims: If a client complaint was made but later dismissed or found to be without merit, you might seek to remove this from your record.
  • Settlements without admission of fault: At times, firms settle disputes not necessarily because the broker was at fault, but for other reasons like the cost of litigation. In these cases, you might believe that your record doesn’t reflect the true nature of the event.

However, given the significance of the CRD records in helping potential clients and employers make informed decisions, the process of expungement is not straightforward. FINRA has established criteria that must be met for expungement to be considered. Moreover, to ensure the protection of investors, there’s a stringent process that typically involves:

  • Arbitration: Most often, the broker seeking expungement has to go through FINRA’s arbitration process. This requires the broker to file an arbitration claim requesting expungement and explaining why it’s justified.
  • Court confirmation: Even if the arbitration panel grants the expungement request, the decision must usually be confirmed in court.
  • Review by FINRA: Finally, even after a court confirms an arbitration panel’s decision, FINRA may undertake its own review to ensure the expungement meets all regulatory standards.

It’s important to note that FINRA has been reviewing and updating its expungement procedures to ensure they strike the right balance between allowing brokers to correct or remove inaccurate information and preserving a meaningful record for investor protection.

Final words

In the complex world of FINRA arbitration, responding to a complaint with precision and strategy is paramount.

Plus, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission has given its seal of approval to FINRA’s crucial expungement process reforms. These changes signify a renewed dedication to transparency and accountability in the financial industry, aligning with the broader trend of safeguarding investor interests.

In this landscape, where every step counts, securing experienced legal representation from a firm like My RIA Lawyer is your first and most pivotal move. Their knowledge and guidance can make all the difference in navigating the intricacies of a FINRA arbitration complaint.

As you move forward, remember that the path to a successful response is paved with careful analysis, timely actions, and thoughtful strategies.

Posted in Law